
race recap: Freedom Fun Run 5k

On Wednesday (Happy 4th!) I ran my first 5k since Olive was born. The last 5k I ran was in August last year when I was 20-ish weeks pregnant. My last non-pregnant 5k was October 2016 . It was high time for some guidance on training paces, and I went into the race knowing it would be hard with only three weeks of running after taking time off with my hip injury. Turns out "hard" was like the understatement of the century! I went for a shakeout run on Tuesday night at 8pm in very muggy conditions. I felt sluggish and hoped that it would still somehow translate to a fast-ish time for the race, or at least not my slowest 5k ever. Spoiler alert: I ran my slowest 5k ever. My plan for race morning was to wake up early enough to dream -feed Olive, grab some food, and get to the race start with enough time to run a warm-up and do some dynamic stretching. What really happened: Olive was wide awake, kicking around in bed, before my alarm even went off. When I tried to nurse her, sh...

race recap: tc 1 mile

This isn't much of a race recap, more of a run report, because I did manage to run a whole mile last Thursday, but that was it. No PRs, no "race", just a fun mile with my family. I may have mentioned somewhere that I was using this race in the hopes of being one of the 1000 randomly selected finishers that gets guaranteed entry into the TC 10 Mile this fall. (Otherwise I'll have to enter the lottery in July.) I also talked my dad into running, and with my sister Juli home on leave, she joined us. My half-brother Matt and step-mom came to watch the girls while we ran our mile. matt practicing his dad skills with olive This would be my first time on the new course that runs by the Guthrie and I really liked it! There are two turns so it's a slower course than the one that ran down Nicollet but I like that you can watch the elites start, then run across the park to watch them finish. We all got there early so we jumped into the first-timers wave and...

race recap: pensacola beach run 10k

The baby is napping so I'm going to try to write a brief recap because this is already way late. The good: I ran a 10k PR, had pretty even splits, and somehow ended up being first overall female. My time was 44:37, a 7:12 pace, and my splits were 7:10, 7:14, 7:19, 7:14, 7:12, 7:14 (and 7:11 pace for the last .2). The bad: I don't feel like I ran the time I was capable of running. The 5k and the 10k were run together, and both were out and back courses. I did my best to stay controlled during the first mile, and I hit it exactly on when  I went through the first mile in 7:10. I planned to pick it up progressively over the next 2 miles and then drop the hammer at the turnaround but after that first mile, I just couldn't find a rhythm. My breathing felt awkward, my stride felt off... just everything felt awkward. I had read something the night before about letting go of expectations and just enjoying the moment, so that became my mantra. I tried to not focus on my pace ...

race recap: St. Peter Halloween 5k

On Saturday I ran my first 5k in 2-1/2 years. In a costume. And I stuck to my race plan. And it wasn't my slowest 5k. In fact, it was faster than the last 5k I ran, pre-baby! Nevermind that my average pace (7:22) was my half marathon PR pace from 2011- any my 10k PR pace in 2013. Ironic. The race is known as the "largest and fastest parade of costumes in southern Minnesota" so I felt it only appropriate to dress up. I Googled costume ideas and settled on the Cookie Monster which seemed easy enough to make at home. I procrastinated on making it until the night before the race, when I discovered that the fabric glue I bought wasn't holding. Enter my savior husband and his suggestion of the construction adhesive Liquid Nails. Worked like a charm. #nerdalert I woke up early on Saturday and snuck out of bed to get ready while Ulla slept. I woke her up at the last minute and loaded her into the car for the trip to my mom's. She never fell back asleep and ...

14 weeks to run a PR?

I've been neglecting this space, mostly for lack of time but more so I just forget how good it feels to write until I do. So here I am, while Ulla unloads four containers of Playdoh on the floor at my feet. Let's talk running! Running has been happening on a weekly basis but that's the extent of it's consistency. I haven't hit double digit miles for the week since running Grandma's Half in June. I've been happy to get out for 30 minutes a couple times a week and haven't worried about it if I can't. It was summer in Minnesota, after all. I don't do hot weather running very well, especially when early morning runs aren't an option (read: a husband that leaves for work by 6:20 a.m. and a baby that still isn't sleeping through the night). But now it's Fall, a season made specifically for runners thankyouJesus . It's made me all kinds of motivated and tonight has consisted of a cross-training session at the gym, dinner, my favor...

race recap: Grandma's Half Marathon (and a revival)

I ran Grandma's Half last week, after roughly a dozen training runs spread over two months. That's not a typo, or an understatement. My training was minimal . Going into the race, I thought I'd run around a 9:30 pace, so I was shocked when miles ticked by in the mid 8's. I was even more shocked when it stayed that way, and that I finished feeling (relatively) good in 1:51:24, an 8:31 average pace. If someone would have offered me $100k to run an 8:30 pace for 13.1 miles, I literally don't think I would've been able to do it. And yet I did. I keep thinking about this little corner of the internet, one that I've occupied for nearly six years, and how much life has changed in that period. Moves. Jobs. Marriage. Baby. Carl. But one thing hasn't changed: my love for running. Is it odd to say that I come here often and read my own posts, and that reading them feels like the greatest motivator? Is it odd to say that I feel like I have a better shot at ...

race recap: be the match 5k

Well, this wasn't my worst race ever, but it was my second worst race ever.  Splits don't lie.  After parking two miles from the start (for two reasons: 1. So I could run a warm up and 2. so I'd have to run a cool down), I ran the "hard part" of the course to remind myself of the hills, then settled around the start line so I wouldn't get stuck behind walkers.  Which turned out to be pointless, because I basically should have been walking. I felt decent for the first mile, like I was starting to hurt on the second, and basically like I was crawling for the third.  In defense of starting too fast, I would like to say that there was a headwind on the third mile, and then an 8 year old passed me, which didn't do much for my mental game.  The temptation to look at my watch became overwhelming around 2.5 miles, but before I looked, I asked myself if I could be running faster. The answer was no. So I looked at my predicted mile pace, which...