My Friday Night

Went to see The Back-up Plan... Heed the reviews it's been getting and save yourself. I thought it would be a sorta cute romantic comedy. Um, no. That's 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back.

I did, however, manage to eat an entire box of Sour Patch Kids. I'm calling it early carbo loading for my 17 miler on Sunday.
But the highlight of the night had to be this: After one of my mocking comments during the movie, my friend Emily punched my thigh and promptly said, "Holy shit, your legs are hard!"

I love running.

Images found here and here.


  1. I haven't been to the movies in forever! Your post totally reminded me that I was supposed to go rent It's Complicated from Redbox tonight (Do you have Redbox? If not, it's a kiosk that's at drug and grocery stores and you can rent a movie for $1 a night).

    However, I just checked their website and it's not available to rent until it's been on sale for a month. SO lame. I'll have to go find it somewhere else...and hope that I don't get stuck with The Backup Plan ;)

  2. I just can't stand JLo! Oh and I found you through Rachael's group on DailyMile! Looking forward to following your running!


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