Henderson Sauerkraut Day Race Recap VIDEO!

From the girl who rarely posts pictures of herself,  a video race recap of the 2011 Henderson Sauerkraut Day Fun Run. I don't know whether to apologize in advance or say "You're welcome."

To preface what you're about to see, my brother Andrew met Olympian Carrie Tollefson at National Running Day where she was filming for her show C Tolle Run. Andrew immediately fell in love with her and adopted her catchphrase of "Get after it!" as his own. You can catch his cameo appearances in two of her episodes- National Running Day and Discovering Duluth. He also got the idea to create a copycat show called "See Andy's Runs" (which has more to do beer shits than running. This will make more sense in a second.)

Anyway, Andrew was in Le Sueur last night hanging out with some friends and said he would come watch the race. He called me at 3 a.m. and needed me to let him in our parent's house. When I went to wake him up this morning, the room smelled like a brewery. Still, he rallied and made it out to watch me.

So without further ado, here is the first episode of See Andy's Runs. And yes, he may have been drunk while filming. Sorry for the jostling.

Last year I ran a 20:48 on this "5k" course, which actually measures closer to three miles. This year I finished in 20:00 flat. The girl that won was a high-schooler that went to state. She beat me by 8 seconds. 

I did get first in my 20-29 age group. Hooray blue ribbon!

The fruits of my labor
The next race on my schedule is The Bear Run on July 7th in North Carolina. And no, See Andy's Runs will not be filming. Sorry to disappoint you.


  1. Wow, that is one speedy race, even if it was a little short for a 5k. 20 minutes flat--wow! Great video!


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