Richmond Marathon- DNS

The Richmond Marathon was run today and I Did Not Start.  Because I had been posting about my training for twelve or so weeks, it only seems appropriate that I'd have some sort of post to conclude what turned out to be one of the more disappointing points in my running life.

I had high hopes in January of this being a good running year for me, setting challenging goals and developing a training plan that I thought would get me there. The road to hell...

Things were going really well for a while but after several weeks of subpar training, getting sick, then getting tackled by a 15 year-old and sustaining an injury that made it difficult to even breathe, my fall marathon dreams disappeared. And while I was disappointed, I was also relieved.

Today was my first run in 23 days. One single lap around Lake of the Isles without my Garmin, not worrying about pace, just enjoying a 63 degree day in Minnesota on November 12th.

It was a good run.


  1. I'm sorry about your DNS. I'm too familiar with the feeling associated with it. But, it sounds like it wasn't a bad thing.

    Take this time to find out what moves you.

    Maybe we could go for a run sometime soon. No Garmin watches allowed. :)


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