We haven't gotten our pictures from our photographer but we've been having a great time looking through the candid shots that friends and family took. This is by far my favorite capture.
STALK ME The Twin Cities Marathon is on Sunday and for those of you that are supremely interested in my progress (or lack thereof) you can track me via text messages on your phone. Neat-o, right? You have to register to track me by tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m., so procrastinate on something else and go sign up now! RACE PLAN I was quite vague about my dad and my race plan but we seriously hadn't discussed anything beyond run until we feel like stopping while staying in front of the sweep bus . Since then, though, we've come up with a plan of a 12 minute pace. That's roughly a 5:15 marathon (and 4 minutes slower per mile than my PR ). The course time limit is 6 hours. He has a history of starting too fast and burning out so my goal is to keep him slow through mile 18 and then we can pick it up from there. RACE DAY The weather on race day should be phenomenal, albeit cold at race start. Throw-away sweats are being sourced. If you're spectating, please leave ...
Settle in, friends, this could be a long one. I had started this post on Thursday night when I got home from work. It was originally titled "a running update" and this is as far as I got before I left to go to Julie's house for a little baby QT: This week is my third full week of following a training schedule and already I'm running into setbacks. For starters, I'm 99% sure I have pleurisy again, which is some weirdo Little House on the Prairie disease. It's probably because I'm from Le Sueur (kidding, hicks). Imagine a knife stabbing you under your clavicle and in your back when you take a deep breath. It's painful. I started to feel it big time after yoga on Monday night, ignored it on my run on Tuesday and yet again last night as I pounded out a "quick" four miles on treadmill. Today, though, there's no ignoring it. Every laugh, every cough, every deep breath hurts. I could go to the doctor but truthfully there isn't anyth...
just in time It was an amazing day. Full recap (with photos) to come whenever I feel like writing it. Thank you all for your cheers and support, both on the course and from afar.
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