Richmond Marathon Training: Week 3 Review

Alternate title: The Week of Almost No Running

So this week wasn't so great. This has been the lowest mileage week I've run in a couple months, though not by choice. I feel a little guilty for not spending more time in the gym but I think the mental break did some good, too. I'd much rather take a few days now than a few weeks later on!

Planned: 58 miles
Actual: 33 miles

Rest. Easy peasy.

11 miles
Track workout with R.E.D. 16 x 200 meters @ 45 seconds, 200 meter jog recovery. Kept all of these slightly under goal pace. It was easier than I thought it would be but the last few were still tough. Added a longer cool down on to get mileage up to 10.5 for the day.

13 miles
Since I was planning on running the Rice Street Mile, I wanted to break my mileage into two. I went out for 7 miles at an easy pace (7:55 average) in the morning. Throughout the day, my right hip was really tight so I decided to forgo a second run in favor of a bike ride at the gym. It was when I was leaving the gym that my foot started to hurt.

5 mile recovery
0 miles
After a lot of frozen water bottle rolling, an x-ray and some instruction to stay off of my foot, I went home and ate my feelings. No running, no gym. Just a pity party. Sorry I didn't invite you.

9 miles w/ 4 miles at 1/2 pace
0 miles. Hard intervals on the bike. My quads burned!

5 mile recovery
0 miles, no gym. I did practice my endurance drinking, though...

15 miles
12 miles; 1:38:11; 8:10 average pace
Went to the gym to test out my foot in hopes that I could run. It felt tight at first but loosened up after a few miles. After hitting the max time limit on the treadmill, I opted to quit for the morning. People were starting to look at me weird because I was sweating so much I could literally wring out my hair.

I ran Calhoun  (3.04 miles, 23:22; 7:41 average pace) later in the evening and jumped in the lake to cool down.

Here's to what I'm hoping will be a kick-ass week of running!


In case you missed it:

Richmond Marathon Training Week 2
Richmond Marathon Training Week 1


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