Ragnar Recap

This pretty much sums it up. 
I know this is pretty late- Ragnar fever is over and you all are fully recovered. Maybe this will help you relive some of the excitement. I wasn't as late with the recap that I posted on the TCM blog. You can read my Lessons from Ragnar post over there.

Here's a recap of my legs:

First Leg

Desperately seeking water

HOT and humid leg. Full sun on fresh black top. It was so hot that I actually removed my shirt. If you know me at all, you know what a big deal that is. My Garmin said 6.09 miles in 45 minutes for an average pace of 7:24. I finished this leg feeling really bad about how I had run and not really looking forward to my other legs.

Second Leg
Check out that elevation profile.

I started this leg around 11:30 p.m. so it was dark. Like pitch black dark. And I was scared. So I ran as fast as I possibly could. I saw my first miles tick off in 6:59, 6:49 and 6:47 which is pretty  much faster than my 5K splits from a few weeks ago. Then I hit the hill and started to climb (7:41) and kept climbing. I was completely alone and my only goal was to make it to the top of the hill. (8:48- ouch!). And then came the fun part- the downhill. 7:00, 6:19, 6:41 and finished the last quarter mile at a 6:27 pace for a grand total of 8.24 miles in 58:32 for a 7:07 average pace. I was pretty pleased with that.

Third Leg

This leg started around 7 a.m. after a night of almost no sleep. I felt awful and didn't know how fast I was going to be able to go. I was worried this would be my slowest leg. Despite a decently long hill, I was still able to pull off 3.9 miles in 27:01 for an average pace of 6:55. This is the longest that I have ever held a sub-7 pace- or have even attempted, for that matter.

We ended up taking first in our division of mixed team and were the 8th team overall. Pretty awesome.

Team Show me the Bunny post-race


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