Richmond Marathon Training: Week 8 Review

Late again. Week of August 29- September 4

I think last week marked my last decent week of training. I had just come off of my highest mileage week and was feeling great. Now I'm exhausted. All. The. Time.

Planned: 66 miles
Actual: 56.25 miles


AM- 6 miles recovery
PM- 4 miles recover
AM- 5.75 miles. Didn't run again that night. Exhausted, body hurt.

14 miles
9 miles, 1:18:58, 8:48 average pace
I'm pretty sure my lack of miles today and my pace says it all. Sucked.   

5 mile recovery
5  miles, 38:33; 7:42 average pace
I may or may not have been hungover when I went out for this run. And in a hurry.

11 miles with 6 miles at half pace
11 miles with 6 miles at half pace
Ran to the gym for a warm up and did my half pace miles on the treadmill. Halfway into the miles, I didn't know how I was going to hang on. But I DID. 7:00, 7:02, 7:01, 7:01, 7:01, 6:59. Couple miles cool down to round this run out.

6 mile recovery
6 mile recovery on treadmill.
Watched that design show on Bravo with Heidi Klum. I seriously cannot think of the name of it and I'm too lazy to Google it. Anyways, it made the slow run go a lot faster.

20 miles
20 miles; 2:43; 8:11 average pace.
It was humid today and I was not in the mood to run. Nothing exceptional. 20 miles done.

In case you missed it:

Richmond Marathon Training Week 7
Richmond Marathon Training Week 6
Richmond Marathon Training Week 5
Richmond Marathon Training Week 4
Richmond Marathon Training Week 3
Richmond Marathon Training Week 2
Richmond Marathon Training Week 1


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